The information and documents provided, contained and/or referenced on this website ( of Ammeris Holdings Ltd. (the "Company" or "Ammeris") and the linked websites of the Company's affiliates (collectively, the "Website" or the "Information") offers an overview only and is intended solely for general guidance on matters of personal use to the reader. The reader accepts full responsibility for its use of the Information. The reader accepts and understands that the Information does not constitute any engagement, nor the provision of any legal, tax, accounting or any other professional service or advice by Ammeris and/or its affiliates. The Information shall not be considered to be or constitute a substitute for any professional consultation in relation to any of the matters contained and/or referenced therein.
The Information may be subject to change and/or review from time to time, and shall not be deemed to be legally binding on Ammeris, its affiliates, founders, shareholders, directors, officers, agents or otherwise, as additionally described in the terms and conditions, the privacy policy
and any other documentation
and/or information relating to the provision of services or the offer for sale of any digital tokens or cryptographic coins by Ammeris or its affiliates (including the whitepaper, offering memorandum, private coin sale agreement and terms of sale, collectively the "Ammeris ICO Documents"), contained within the Website. Neither the Company nor its affiliates shall be held responsible for any omissions or errors contained within the Information and/or Website, or for any potential results obtained from the use of or reliance on the Information. Nothing contained within the Information and/or Website shall substitute independent research and investigation and sound technical and business judgement of the reader. The Information is provided “as is,” and contains no guarantee of timeliness, completeness, or accuracy, and contains no warranties or representations of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of fitness or performance of any kind.
Ammeris and its affiliates have not verified or approved any content of third party sites linked or referenced within the Website and shall not be deemed to endorse, warrant, recommend or promote any services or products that may be provided or accessed via any such third-party links or references. The Website remains the property of Ammeris, which reserves all rights.
Any digital tokens or cryptographic coins described or referenced on the Website, within the Information or within the Ammeris ICO Documents does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation, and nothing within the Website or Information shall be viewed as a current or past recommendation, or as a solicitation of an offer to sell or purchase an interest or any other investment product. Neither the Information nor this Website have been filed with or approved by the securities commission of any country or jurisdiction, including Canada and the United States of America.